Friday, August 28, 2020

Marketing planing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Promoting planing - Assignment Example M&S has been working for most recent 129 years and has â€Å"grown from single market slow down to a global multi-channel retailer† (Marks and Spencer plc., 2013a). The organization is working in excess of 50 regions everywhere throughout the world and has very nearly 82,000 representatives. The association remains on the mainstays of trust, development, administration, worth and quality and strives to offers quality items that are pertinent to the clients. M&S is differentiating its item extend, channel, areas and store that will help the organization in expanding the worldwide activities and decreases the reliance on UK. The turnover that M&S produces from its activities in UK are isolated into two sections like general product contributes about 46% and food contributes 54%. They have about 766 stores all over UK and a prospering internet business (Marks and Spencer plc., 2013b). The organization sells incredible worth and excellent food. They point towards givin g the clients a remarkable shopping experience. The examination centers around detailing a promoting plan for M&S in the wake of directing the showcasing review and distinguishing its quality shortcoming openings and danger. 1. a. Survey the changing example in the promoting arranging and evaluate ability of your picked organization in completing the advertising plan. Changing example The way toward bringing the capacity of the association and necessity of the clients under one rooftop is named as showcasing. Benefit age and advertising are two interrelated things. The client gets benefits, gets fulfilled, makes installment and thusly the organization makes benefits. Anyway this equalization in the commercial center is subject to numerous variables, which is accomplished through different practices and influences the showcasing condition (Westwood, 2002). Social and Local inclinations The clients are believed to show inclination on some specific items dependent on the national c ulture, nearby conditions and neighborhood customs. M&S has been extending their business in enormous number of nations. So as to improve the universal purchasing process the organization has amalgamated their focal arranging with the information about neighborhood advertise and has made customized items that reflects clients profile, culture and nearby irregularity (Marks and Spencer plc., 2013b). Government Policies The monetary, political and legitimate states of the nation in which a firm works can influence the showcasing plan; like trade rates are regularly observed to impact the choice of assembling locally. The working benefit of M&S has been believed to decrease by 9.9%, which was because of start up cost, macroeconomic condition and money interpretation. The organization has wanted to dispatch in-nation sites to arrive at the clients all the more without any problem. Rivalry The contenders are additionally observed to affect the promoting plan of the organization. Item, evaluating and numerous different features are influenced by them. M&S have numerous contenders like Tesco, BHS and Asda with whom they need to contend. In the home market as well as they face hardened rivalry in different nations. Change in Technology The innovation is experiencing sensational changes, which is additionally prompting changes in the necessity of the clients. Advancement has lead changes the ways M&S conducts business. They have propelled value-based sites in around ten markets. The organization has

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Blowfish Encryption Algorithm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Blowfish Encryption Algorithm - Essay Example Clients pay by means of Mastercards for the bought books that are conveyed to them. In this situation, any kind of security break may infuse a SQL infusion or cross webpage scripting assault on the site can influence the business just as client certainty. In this way, making sure about the frameworks just as information correspondence on the web is basic to secure. This likewise infers to individual or client information that is kept up and overseen by the association. For example, E-business based associations stores data of their client identified with Visa numbers, passwords, phone numbers, address, bank subtleties and so forth. It is the obligation of the association to ensure and make sure about information protection. Be that as it may, there is anything but a solitary law that states how to deal with client data. Hence, associations sell or exchange client data with colleagues and even to outsiders. Similarly, in some cases the sole reason for this individual information trade is reserves. Albeit, each online association has a protection arrangement which states how they will deal with and secure client information and yet there is no check standards. In the accompanying areas, we will talk about the assurance of exceptionally delicate information by the most ideal control for example encryption calculations. Similarly, we will definitely examine blowfish encryption calculation and its incorporation with applications that are engaged with taking care of client profoundly touchy information. Blowfish Encryption Algorithm according to PC work area reference book Blowfish encryption calculation is characterized as â€Å"A mystery key cryptography technique that utilizes a variable length key from 32 to 448 bits in length. It utilizes the square figure strategy, which breaks the content into 64-piece hinders before scrambling them. Composed by Bruce Schneier, as a free trade for DES or IDEA, it is viewed as exceptionally quick and secure† and accordin g to organize word reference, it is characterized as â€Å"Blow?sh is an encryption calculation that can be utilized as a swap for the DES or IDEA calculations. It is a symmetric (that is, a mystery or private key) square figure that utilizes a variable-length key, from 32 bits to 448 bits, making it helpful for both residential and exportable use†. Blowfish is an encryption calculation that was created by Bruce Schneier in 1993 (Pachghare, n.d). It is developed on a variable length key extending from 32 buts to 448 bits that is viewed as ideal for both neighborhood and worldwide use alongside a strong encryption calculation. After its acknowledgment to be moderately strong encryption calculation, it is steadily picking up acknowledgment. A portion of the center highlights of blowfish calculation incorporate (Pachghare, n.d): Blowfish has a square figure of square comprised of 64 piece The length of the key can be up to 448 bits On 32 piece chip engineering, information encry ption is upheld at a pace of 18 clock cycles on each byte that is a lot faster than DES and IDEA encryption. It is without still to utilize and isn't licensed Memory prerequisites for blowfish are under 5 kilobytes of memory. The semantics are improved and is generally simple to send. The plan prerequisites for a blowfish encryption calculation fuses vigorous, easy to code, reduced, effectively modifiable and level key space highlights (Anderson. n.d ). In like manner, level key space encourages irregular strings to be considered as a potential key from a necessary length. Also, it conveys information in monstrous byte

Friday, August 21, 2020

Social Identity Theory And Self Categorisation Theory Sociology Essay

Social Identity Theory And Self Categorisation Theory Sociology Essay Social Identity Theory was built up by Tajfel and Turner with the point of attempting to comprehend the mental premise of intergroup segregation. Tajfel and Turner (1979) attempted to recognize conditions which would lead individuals from a particular social gathering to carry on in a one-sided matter towards an out-gathering, for the in-bunch which they were an individual from. It is viewed as a desultory methodology. The primary guideline of Social Identity Theory is that individuals frequently order and characterize themselves as well as other people into various distinctive social gatherings and endeavor to have their gathering esteemed more profoundly than different gatherings (Tajfel Turner, 1985). Reliable with Tajfel and Turners (1985) guarantee, it is accepted, by different analysts, that social personalities are shaped to support confidence and empower a feeling of assurance (McGregor, Reeshama thus Jin, 2008). To clarify the wonder of how people assess themselves as well a s other people as a feature of an in-gathering or an out-gathering, Social Identity Theory distinguishes three mental ideas: social categorisation, social recognizable proof and social correlation (Taã… Ã… ¸demir, 2011). Social categorisation identifies with people doling out individuals to social classes so as to comprehend and distinguish them (Tajfel Turner, 1979). This outcomes on the planet being separated into them and us, or an in-gathering and an out-gathering. In the subsequent idea, social recognizable proof, individuals receive the character of the social gathering they have sorted themselves into. This additionally includes building up an enthusiastic connection to ones recognizable proof with the gathering and confidence will be firmly connected to assemble participation (Tajfel Turner, 1979). The last idea, social examination, identifies with an individual contrasting the gathering they distinguish and with different gatherings. To hold ones confidence, their gather ing must be seen in a more positive light than different gatherings (Tajfel Turner, 1979). A few mental investigations have bolstered the way that people make social classes so as to help confidence. A case of this being when people discover that their social gathering is unsuitable to society, they will in general see the out-bunch as inadmissible too (Ford Tonander, 1998). Haslam (2001) has recognized two sorts of procedures people use to help their gatherings status: social clash and social inventiveness. Social clash alludes to the in-bunch subverting the societal position of the out-gathering. This should be possible in a rough way or by method for fights. Social innovativeness identifies with the in-bunch underlining bunch highlights which they thrive on, by method for publicizing these qualities. Haslam (2001) contends that when the in-bunch doesn't feel in danger and feel their status is to a great extent secure they will participate in social innovativeness as opposed to so cial clash. Be that as it may, when individuals from the in-bunch feel compromised they will promptly take part in social clash. A center standard of Social Identity Theory is that ones social character isn't fixed and can't foresee ones conduct. Rather, the specific situation and the in-bunches remarkable quality in the setting chooses which part of a people character is persuasive in a circumstance. As indicated by Social Identity Theory, people are progressively disposed to relate to a specific social gathering in the event that they feel questionable. Backing for this case originates from McGregor, Reeshma thus Jin (2008). In their investigation, members were required to depict individual clashes which were brought about by uncertain individual issues (vulnerability task). While trying to survey out-bunch discrediting, Canadian members read articulations which were disparaging of Canada, composed by an outside individual. The degree to which the Canadian members detested and cou ldn't help contradicting the outsiders explanation was estimated, giving a list of out-bunch criticism. Moreover, every member finished a proportion of structure necessity. McGregor, Reeshma thus Jin (2008) found that people who looked for structure and lucidity were bound to appear out-bunch disparagement in the wake of finishing the vulnerability task. In any case, this examination utilized members from a Western nation similar outcomes might not have been produced if Eastern members participated in the investigation. The presumptions from these outcomes can't be summed up to individuals from various societies. It tends to be contended that Social Identity Theory is compelling in its case that individuals have a one-sided impression of their own social gathering contrasted with different gatherings, that is, clarifying in-bunch inclination. Proof of this can be found in the consequences of Mullen, Brown and Smiths (1992) concentrate into the in-bunch predisposition theory. Further help of the case that character forms underlie the in-bunch inclination is a report delineating that individuals from a social gathering have higher confidence subsequent to taking part in biased conduct (Rubin Hewstone, 1998). Rubin and Hewstone (1998) exhibit that individuals show an intergroup qualification to like themselves and the social gathering which they relate to (Brown, 2000). Earthy colored, Maras, Masser, Vivian and Hewstone (2001) saw that English travelers on a ship had been denied travel by the activities of French anglers the out-gathering thus showed commonly less positive perspectives towards French individuals. This backings Social Identity Theorys social correlation idea, in that the English travelers recognized so firmly with their national gathering that they saw the French in a negative light which thusly, brought about them holding their confidence. Be that as it may, Social Identity Theory has various issues which have demonstrated tricky when attempting to represent bunch impact. The hypothesis expect that a positive social personality depends on constructive intergroup examinations (Brown, 2000). It makes sense to expect that there should be a positive connection between's the quality of gathering ID and the degree of in-bunch predisposition. This theory has been tried throughout the years and still survives from enthusiasm to clinicians around the world (Brown, 2000). Ensuing mental examinations exploring this relationship have indicated little help for Social Identity Theory. As indicated by Brown (2000), 14 investigations were broke down and the general connection between's gathering ID and in-bunch inclination was +0.08, and keeping in mind that 64% of relationships were sure, the mean relationship was not extremely solid (+0.24). It tends to be contended, in any case, that this connection speculation was not really expre ssed by Tajfel and Turner (1979) when they were building up the Social Identity Theory. It is obvious from Social Identity Theory that individuals are inspired to have an in-bunch inclination by the need to see themselves, and the gathering they recognize, inside a positive light. Therefore, it very well may be expected there is a causal connection between intergroup qualification and confidence. Abrams and Hogg (1988) summed up this idea constructive in-bunch separation prompts expanded confidence and individuals with low confidence show more separation so as to support levels of confidence. Social Identity Theory is basically a hypothesis identifying with bunch separation, that is, the manner by which individuals from a particular in-bunch make this gathering unmistakable from, and better than, an out-gathering. Thusly, bunches which consider themselves to be comparable ought to be quick to show intergroup separation (Brown, 1984). This theory has been tried energetically througho ut the years with various outcomes. A few examinations have produced results which repudiate Social Identity Theorys speculation Jetten, Spears and Manstead (1996) found that bunches that saw themselves to hold comparative mentalities and equal status indicated more intergroup fascination and less predisposition then unique gatherings (Brown, 2000). In any case, a few examinations bolster Social Identity Theory as they have discovered that intergroup similitude leads to intergroup separation particularly if the two gatherings are incredibly comparable (White Langer, 1999). The idea of social way of life as depicted by Social Identity Theory could be adjusted by method for having a more prominent more noteworthy affirmation of the decent variety of social gatherings that can speak to ones social personality. Self-Categorisation Theory additionally centers around the idea of intergroup separation as an element of personality (Taã… Ã… ¸demir, 2011). Self-Categorisation Theory is viewed as a subjective hypothesis of conduct inside intergroup settings and offers clarifications about the intellectual procedures basic a people self-categorisation and intergroup separation forms (Turner, 1999). The hypothesis supposedly is a progressively detailed, expanded adaptation of the first Social Identity Theory (Taã… Ã… ¸demir, 2011). Turner et al. (1987) contend that Self-Categorisation Theory manages the social-intellectual premise of intergroup conduct. Self-Categorisation Theory clarifies how individuals structure a self-personality as far as the social classifications which they have a place with. This likewise prompts individuals separating between their own classification individuals and individuals in different classifications. The meta-differentiate rule clarifies this procedure. The met a-differentiate standard clarifies that any number of people in a specific circumstance are probably going to order themselves as a social gathering when they see contrasts among one another not exactly the contrasts among themselves as well as other people in a similar circumstance (Turner, 1985). Hence, when between bunch contrasts are more unmistakable than intra-bunch contrasts (high meta-differentiate proportion), it is accepted that individuals characterize themselves dependent on their participation of social gatherings and they separate between the in-gathering and out-gathering (Turner, Oakes, Haslam McGarty, 1994). Self-Categorisation Theory expresses that when people relate to a social gathering, they experience depersonalisation. That is, they see each individual from their gathering as exchangeable on a specific level (Turner et al., 1957). Self-categorisati

Sunday, August 9, 2020

How to Get High Quality Five Paragraph Essay Samples to Grade

<h1>How to Get High Quality Five Paragraph Essay Samples to Grade</h1><p>Getting five section article tests to review is a basic errand that takes close to a few minutes. In this article, I will tell you the best way to take an example of every five-passage paper and change it into a work of top notch scholarly writing.</p><p></p><p>The initial phase in changing any five section exposition tests to review is to concocted a convincing title for the piece. There are numerous sources on the Internet that give rules on the best way to make a profoundly tempting title, and I suggest you investigate these further.</p><p></p><p>Next, you have to compose a convincing prologue to your five section articles. The best way to do this is to give yourself sufficient opportunity to think of something that makes your peruser need to peruse the remainder of the piece.</p><p></p><p>Finally, the remainder of the c omposing must be done so the peruser feels like they have a full comprehension of the subject of your piece. Nonetheless, you will need to maintain a strategic distance from the compulsion to utilize unnecessary specialized jargon.</p><p></p><p>A variety of five-section articles is called an investigative exposition. While they are quite often connected with a way of thinking, there are a few varieties that should be possible by proficient scholars as well.</p><p></p><p>If you decide to utilize a systematic paper, you ought to set up an alternate arrangement of unique five passage exposition tests to review than you would for the others. For example, you could incorporate a couple of thoughts that you would think would not work, however would at present offer you the chance to utilize an alternate strategy.</p><p></p><p>Additionally, on the off chance that you need to ensure that your five section articles are o f top notch, you ought to likewise contemplate the instances of expert composing that are utilized as reference works for composing tests. This remembers anything from notes for how to alter for style to audits of specific kinds of novels.</p><p></p><p>Ultimately, there are just a couple of tips that you should follow so as to get your five section papers of high caliber. With these tips, you ought to have the option to concoct various extraordinary, unique composing tests that can be transformed into great scholastic papers.</p>

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Custom Written Term Papers - A Variety of Options

<h1>Custom Written Term Papers - A Variety of Options</h1><p>If you are thinking about exclusively composed research projects, the way that they should be written with a particular goal in mind isn't an issue. At the point when you are composing papers of any sort, it's anything but a smart thought to simply toss them together and afterward have another person keep in touch with them for you. The best activity when you need to evaluate another sort of paper or concoct something new is to evaluate an assortment of papers to see which ones you like best.</p><p></p><p>If you are searching for something to compose your paper on you might be astonished to find that there are several distinct choices. There are such a significant number of alternatives, in light of the fact that there are such a large number of kinds of papers that you can compose. At the point when you are searching for something that you can compose your research paper on, invest igate the various papers that are accessible. See which one you might want to use.</p><p></p><p>Term papers resemble clear bits of paper. There are a wide range of kinds of papers that you can utilize, so what are a portion of the choices that you can pick from?</p><p></p><p>You will most likely need to have a page of data on the highest point of your paper. The data will be applicable to the reason for the paper that you are composing with the goal that you can get an all the more intriguing article to peruse. When you have your top page, you will at that point need to start filling in the remainder of the paper.</p><p></p><p>Fill in the remainder of the paper by adding content or utilizing realities to depict things in the paper. This is the place you will utilize sentences and sections to depict what you need to state about the paper.</p><p></p><p>Once you have finished the entirety of the content, you will at that point need to place in an examination of the paper. There are various kinds of examination that you can utilize, and you should give an outline of your paper. You'll additionally need to incorporate any data that you feel may make the paper fascinating, and afterward the time has come to add the designs or pictures to your paper.</p><p></p><p>Custom composed research projects are an incredible method to get something out to people in general. Since you are attempting to keep the paper fascinating, you can concoct various things to place into your paper that will make it more interesting.</p>

Friday, July 17, 2020

The Importance of The Talk Essay Samples

<h1>The Importance of The Talk Essay Samples </h1> <h2> Where to Find the Talk Essay Samples</h2> <p>Also for individuals who bolster fetus removal 1. To sum up, swearing off sex is a protected technique for overseeing premature birth. Individuals opposing change ought to be perceived and move is made to kill human boundaries. The history has shown that females needed to put forth an admirable attempt to get the equivalent rights. </p> <p>Secondly, a lobbyist gathering may select to utilize dealing promotion to comprehend the prerequisites of a specific gathering. Truth be told, most of the specialists exploit such live syndicated programs to communicate their authority over the theme rather than concentrating on the issue. In cases this way, the host may think that its intense to arrive at an accord among the specialists. In outline, a widespread language can be useful for organizations and individuals since it encourages bother free correspondence. </p> <h2>Gossip, Deception and the Talk Essay Samples </h2> <p>Communication along these lines is around the exchange of information in a learning air. Joint effort requests broad meeting with assorted partners. Moral contentious paper points are a couple of the most straightforward to become really excited with. </p> <p>Application expositions about difficulties uncover how you react to trouble to people who are very intrigued by how you are going to deal with the resulting four years without anyone else. Companion alters help give the paper a bigger determination of clearness. Write in the absolute first individual Since the application exposition is around the understudy or the candidate the candidate ought to along these lines ensure they compose the application in the absolute first person. In such manner the understudy will be in a situation to choose close to the fitting data. </p> <p>Inspiration to make your own promoting or media contentious exposition themes isn't difficult to find. The book involves a snappy story by the indistinguishable title as its spread name. For instance, a why us exposition may talk about how exceptionally fascinating XYZ interdisciplinary task is and the manner in which it fits pleasantly with your senior undertaking. Factious exposition compos ing custom paper composing administration, do you wish to buy custom article online as you genuinely feel target models client care. </p> <h2> Top the Talk Essay Samples Secrets </h2> <p>Consider your exposition is restricted as for word check. In light of the subject, each paper will be distinctive reliant on the profundity of the proposal. Consequently, an investigative exposition is a touch of composing that provisions an instructive perception about the specific point or thought. Be sure to assess the course out so you may compose the best close to home exposition conceivable. </p> <p>You see, the shows of English papers are to some degree more equation based than you may might suspect and, from multiple points of view, it very well may be as simple as tallying to five. Investigating the subject will allow you to discover increasingly about what entrances you, and should you pick something you truly like, composing the article will be progressively pleasant. Composing a secondary school exposition on the off chance that you have the tips about how to do paper adequately. Clearly, composing a paper regarding the matter of cannabis is excessively broad. </p> <h2>Finding the Talk Essay Samples Online </h2> <p>Individuals may likewise make a trip to any segment of earth without being worried about getting lost because of the language obstruction. They slanted that it is significant on the grounds that they all things considered give it esteem. Accordingly, each and every year they dump around 14 billion pounds of trash, the greater par t of its material being plastic, into the sea. </p> <p>You must locate the correct assets for your paper and tolerance when finding the best possible motivation to compose. Since there's an amazingly solid human want to accomplish that. A portion of without a doubt the most fundamental things in life can't be bought with cash, for instance, companionship, love, information, truly, otherworldliness. The strategy for tune remembrance is acted in an unknown dialect. </p> <h2> The Rise of the Talk Essay Samples </h2> <p>Don't be terrified to discuss your thoughts as a major aspect of innovative strategy and recollect there's only one way to deal with arrive at the ideal objectives getting papers which have been fastidiously checked, explored and edit. It might be unnecessary to communicate much so far as the subject of the exposition is concerned, yet on the contrary side, realities are sensible and should be communicated at the right time, long haul objectives could be abbreviated or summarized completely relying upon the need and direness expected to achieve such targets. Creating a reasonable profession objectives paper can be hard should you not really have any desire. Composing an article that clarifies what objectives you might want to seek after in your up and coming profession is an aptitude you will need to exhibit a great deal for an understudy. </p>

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Lies Youve Been Told About Research Paper Topics for Psychology

<h1> Lies You've Been Told About Research Paper Topics for Psychology </h1> <h2> What is Actually Going on with Research Paper Topics for Psychology</h2> <p>If you will make a brain science paper, the absolute first thing you ought to do is pick an extraordinary point. Make sure there are sufficient online sources regarding the matter you've picked. Try not to expect choosing a brain science point for your paper will be a quick or easy activity! </p> <p>Locating a decent theme is only one of the most noteworthy advances when composing any kind of paper. The quest for an incredible point for your brain research exposition can be very disappointing should you not comprehend where to begin. Not all examination paper subjects are made equivalent, and you might want to be certain you select an awesome point before you start composing. Another arrangement, when picking an examination subject in brain science is to give study of a specific production, diary or even book. </p> <h2> What Does Research Paper Topics for Psychology Mean? </h2> <p>Psychology is a wide subject that takes a careful comprehension before settling on the decision to choose a particular research theme thought. To choose a subject from general brain science, you ought to pick any point you like and afterward start narrowing it down. After you find an appropriate point it's indispensable that you focus on legitimate research. </p> <p>Psychology is such a wide subject, so you wish to find a theme which permits you to satisfactorily cover the subject without turning out to be overpowered with data. Talking about general brain research, you can pick the subject from the full course. Creating a theme in brain research is hard, especially with regards to expounding on kids. </p> <p>Psychology inquire about paper is a run of the mill task and wellspring of a few restless evenings at school. In the event that you have not ever composed a brain research paper previously, you need in the first place the essentials. Choosing subjects for a brain research paper can be hard, yet in the event that you select the best one, it will be a mess more straightforward for you to create the whole paper. Finding intriguing brain science inquire about paper themes is a genuine workmanship, as it's a staggering and uninteresting activity, which is at the specific time truly capable. </p> <p>You need to compose a minumum of one research paper in a semester for most the subjects. Composing an examination paper despite the fact that may seem testing is an impressive bit of routine understudy life. Understudies now and again understand that composing a scrutinize can truly be very testing. Actually, most of understudies think composing a chronicled paper might be dry and scholastically blocking undertaking. </p> <h2> The Little-Known Secrets to Research Paper Topics for Psychology</h2> <p>There is a monstrous determination of subjects, when it respects brain science. As you see, there's a colossal scope of mental points to talk about, when it has to do with brain research. Best themes on sports brain science are offered in the rundown beneath that understudies may pick at no expense. There are a few intriguing brain science subjects to pick from. </p> <p>Writing brain research papers is a noteworthy segment of making a degree in brain research. It is one the orders that have a ton of points to look over and that is the reason numerous understudies gets a diligently time attempting to pick one. It isn't astounding that for most of the understudies brain research turns into an extremely intense subject. </p> <h2> Want to Know More About Research Paper Topics for Psychology? </h2> <p>If you are battling with how to start a brain science paper, following some of the rules underneath may give assistance. Before you start your task, become familiar with the best approach to make a brain science contextual analysis. At whatever point your task is a writing survey, you're normally demonstrated with the greatest investigations you may place in your work. </p> <p>In certainty, such distributions are a decent hotspot for your task. On the off chance that you need help with your exploration paper, here's a far reaching manual for help you form an examination paper including all the segments. There are a few research paper points when it comes to mental disarranges that you can pick from. Some additional examination paper themes will permit you to direct a significant and fascinating exploration. </p> <h2>The History of Research Paper Topics for Psychology Refuted </h2> <p>Psychology is a broad subject that examines loads of multidisciplinary issues and unites a wide assortment of points. Components identified with social condition have an amazingly significant part in the character advancement of an individual from an extremely beginning time. </p>